Introducing: Net Zero Carbon
It’s time to take action, and let the world know
To achieve the goals set in the Paris Agreement, every business must achieve net zero by 2050. Our Net Zero Carbon Certification helps you achieve that goal and communicate it with credibility to the world.
3 Steps to Net Zero Carbon
Measure and track
Measure your complete footprint with Carbon Analytics - your real footprint including your operations and supply chain partners. Track your progress with each transaction.
Offset and reduce
Reduce as much as you can and simultaneously offset your unavoidable emissions with any high quality, additional offsets. Reach out if you need help finding credible offsetting partners.
Commit and join forces
Commit to Net Zero Carbon and repeat the process till you achieve the goal and beyond. Rally your partners to join you in this journey to save our planet.
Did you know that your supply chain represents roughly 90% of your true carbon footprint?
With Carbon Analytics, companies measure their entire footprint - not just the operations they control, but the impact of their extended supply chains. Through our accounting based footprinting system, we’re modelling the entire web, including both known and unknown data points, and constantly improving the accuracy of this measurement with new data. Businesses measuring with Carbon Analytics who offset credibly can truly be considered Net Zero.
Carbon Analytics also offers
Fast onboarding, via accounting integration
Low cost, clear pricing
Automatic footprint updates with new data
Network effect: As your suppliers improve their footprints, your footprint improves.
Why Carbon Offsetting?
Yes, carbon offsetting can get controversial. Here’s why we believe that offsetting should not be the only thing companies do:
Paying for carbon emissions creates a reason to do more. Projects that will reduce emissions now have an improved return on investment by reducing the offsets needed. And not just internally, but for the wider economy too.
This isn't the end, this is just the beginning. The companies that earn this certification are making a commitment that, no matter what, they are choosing to live and operate in a world where our climate is critical. They are choosing to shape the future by measuring, managing and valuing their climate impact. This certification is the beginning of their journey to lowering their and their suppliers’ impacts.
Start your Net Zero Carbon certification today!
For more information on carbon accounting, offsetting or achieving your ESG goals, contact us here.